The base active PIC consists of one silicon and two silicon nitride waveguides. Six implant levels are available for active component design, a Ge photodetector, two copper wiring levels, and an Al termination pad level.
The base passive PIC consists of one silicon and two silicon nitride waveguides. A trench is available to remove most of cladding oxide over the first nitride waveguide.
Current Version
The current PDK version that should be used for passive or active MPW runs is 5.5 or newer. Please contact us to confirm if an older version is compatible.
Component Libraries
Analog Photonics is a comprehensive, high performance, black box library focused on operation in the O, C, and L bands.
Spark Photonics features waveguides, input couplers, MMIs, and more focused on operation from 700-1300nm.
RF/SUNY includes basic passive components such as input couplers, power taps, and splitters.
Dream Photonics supports many waveguide geometries and also includes couplers, splitters, thermal phase shifters, and optical attenuators and detectors.
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