Integrated Silicon Photonics
Integrated Silicon Photonics provides an introduction to optical confinement and waveguide constraints for a planar CMOS-compatible platform, followed by a review of the performance criteria for key passive/active planar devices, materials science or device physics insights for their chip integration, and leading-edge device designs and performance achievements.
Photonics Materials and
Devices 1
There are two modules for Photonics Materials and Devices. They can be used individually, or in sequence. All files for Module 1 are zipped together in the link to download below.
PMD1.1: Information Evolution and Integrated Photonics
Multicore chip evolution
Metal line delay and photonics for data transfer
PIC technology timeline forecast
PMD1.2: Light-Matter Interaction
Optics and the Wave Equation
Polarizability model for dielectric constant
Dispersion absorption
PMD1.3: Bands and Bonds
Atomic bonding and optical, thermal, mechanical property trends
Bandstructure, band gap, and effective mass
Carrier scattering
PMD1.4: Materials Design
Alloy design
Thin-film strain design
Structural and thermal properties
Case study: materials design for fiber-optic systems
PMD1.5: Optical Links
WDM optical communications link
Dispersion/attenuation limited link design
PMD1.6: System Design
Attenuation-limited versus dispersion-limited optical link
Advanced modulation formats
PMD1.7: WDM Device Components
Principal device components for a WDM capacity optical link
Photonics Materials and
Devices 2
There are two modules for Photonics Materials and Devices. They can be used individually, or in sequence. All files for Module 2 are zipped together in the link to download below.
PMD2.1: Propagation of Light
Ray/Wave Optics
EM Wave Optics: the Traveling Wave Equation
Materials Polarizability Model for Refractive Index, Absorption
Field Polarization and Jones Matrices
PMD2.2: Transfer Matrix Formalism for Traveling EM Waves
Transfer Matrices
TE, TM Mode Transmission
PMD2.3: Optical Waveguiding
Waveguide Confinement
Finite Difference Method
Fourier Optics
PMD2.4: Resonances and Interferences for Spectral Filters
WDM Resolver vs Filter
Fabry-Pérot Cavity, Filter
WDM Network Needs
PMD2.5: Integrated Resonator Devices
Bragg Filters versus Ring Resonators
Coupled-Mode Theory Design Parameters