Fabless Design of Photonic Integrated Circuits within the AIM Photonics Foundry (PIC-1)
Take a deep-dive into fabless photonics design using industry-leading Electronic Photonic Design Automation (EPDA) software to model, simulate, layout, and error-check a photonic integrated circuit for high-tech applications.

PIC Sensor Design and Fabrication
This 4-week online course provides an introduction to the fabless design of silicon photonic integrated circuits (PICs) specific to photonic sensing applications. Registrants are guided through a step-by-step design sequence that culminates in a tape-out of a sensor PIC chip suitable for fabrication through AIM Photonics’ multi-project wafer (MPW) services.

Understanding Cost and Environmental Impacts of Photonic Manufacturing
It all begins with an idea.

Silicon Photonics Design, Fabrication and Data Analysis
The University of British Columbia's Lukas Chrostowski offers this edX course several times a year. Learn more about the course and upcoming dates at https://www.edx.org/course/silicon-photonics-design-fabrication-and-data-ana