The SiN Passive PIC consists of two silicon nitride waveguides and a sensing trench that completely removes the cladding oxide over the first nitride waveguide. In this technology the films have been developed to produce ultra-low loss and ultra-low fluorescence for use in various sensing applications.
Current Version
The current PDK version that should be used for silicon nitride MPW runs is 1.1.
Component Libraries
The TLX SiN component library comprises passive components designed to operate from 700 nm to 1625 nm (from the I-band to the L-band) on AIM Photonics' silicon nitride passive PIC technology platform.
The Spark Photonics SiN component library focuses on operating wavelengths in the 700-1300 nm range (I/Z/Y/J bands) on AIM Photonics' silicon nitride passive PIC technology platform.
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