The MPW QFlex PIC consists of one silicon, two ridge, and two silicon nitride waveguides. Twelve implant levels are available for active component design, a Ge photodetector, Avalanche Photodetector, two copper wiring levels, and an aluminum termination with passivation oxide and a pad opening. The standard offering has a trench with substrate release, a separate extrinsic material cavity trench and a low-loss edge coupler to eliminate substrate absorption.
On the base active build, the silicon (SE) waveguide propagation loss target is 0.40 dB/cm and Rib (RE) target is ~ 0.150 dB/cm, while the silicon nitride waveguide propagation loss target is 0.10 dB/cm. Current Silicon Nitride on the fully Integrated build is 0.325 db/cm (at 1550 nm. No delta exists between 1520 nm and 1550 nm. Future offering demonstrated SIN < 0.1 db/cm (1550 nm) on a full active run.
Design Information
The QFlex PIC is supported by the component library from the Research Foundation for SUNY (RFS):
The RFS library is a comprehensive, high-performance, open and black box library focused on wavelength operations in the O, C, and L bands.
Customization Available
Adjust ridge depth
Adjust waveguide thicknesses
Adjust vertical spacing between waveguides
Trench to the waveguides with or without expose
Extra/custom implants
Extra wiring level
While MPWs typically follow a standard process flow that designers cannot modify, AIM Photonics has developed a “bite size custom” offering where designers can make minor changes to the process flow for an additional fee. This is not a full custom run, and the modification must be something the fab team can execute without development work.
The fee typically ranges between $10,000 and $50,000, depending on the customization(s) desired.
Please contact us well in advance of the design due date to ensure the fab team understands your request and can properly quote the work.
See also information about the MPW services agreement.
Schedule and Pricing
The schedule and pricing for the QFlex MPW is coming soon.
More Info