AIM Photonics at Photonics West 2022

Technical presentations feature AIM Photonics’ latest R&D in advanced silicon photonics; Live demo of the ANSYS/Lumerical platform in AIM Photonics’ PDK to be held at AIM Photonics exhibit booth

AIM Photonics PDK Demo

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, Jan. 25 • 2pm – 3pm
LOCATION: AIM Photonics Exhibit Booth #233, Hall F of the Moscone Center

This live demo features the ANSYS/Lumerical platform in AIM Photonics’ Photonics Design Kit (PDK), including support for multiple component libraries targeting a wide application space, statistical modeling, and layout-driven schematic using KLayout-INTERCONNECT interface.

Technical Presentations

Low losses in Active Silicon Photonic Multi-project Wafer Runs

Presenter: Lewis G. Carpenter, Photonics Development Engineer
Date/Time: Monday, January 24 • 11:00am - 11:20am
Location: Room 301 (Level 3 South)

Measuring propagation loss for active multi-project wafer (MPW) runs is not prioritized as highly as other key parameters such as modulation speeds, photodiode responsivity, device size, and spectral bandwidths. However, for applications such as quantum technology, sensors, LiDAR, and data communications, it is imperative to incorporate both low-loss waveguides and active devices on a single die. These applications require lower propagation losses because they either use single photons, high Q resonators, and/or require high efficiency coupling for lasers/SOAs.

In this talk, we discuss how AIM Photonics’ updated MPW integration has demonstrated losses of 1.1 dB/cm in Si strip waveguides and 0.4 dB/cm in SiN strip waveguides, a reduction of 1.4 dB/cm and 1.6 dB/cm, respectively, from our published MPW values.

SUNY Poly Foundry Process Design Kit: A Unique Design Enablement Platform for Photonic Integrated Circuit Design

Presenter: Amit Dikshit, PDK Development Engineer
Date/Time: Tuesday, January 25 • 11:30am - 11:50am
Location: Room 301 (Level 3 South)

To accelerate innovation and take advantage of the performance benefits it offers, silicon photonics (SiP) technology must not only be accessible to organizations that are not traditionally served by large foundries, but design enablement tools, such as Process Design Kits (PDKs), must also provide expanded offerings to facilitate the advanced designs that are required to manufacture photonic integrated circuits.

This talk demonstrate how AIM Photonics’ PDK stretches the concept of a pure-play foundry by offering additional benefits, including multiple component libraries that target a wide range of applications like datacom, sensors, and quantum computing; fully integrated EPDA platforms such as Synopsys and Cadence, as well as alternative design options based on a combination of KLayout and ANSYS Lumerical; and flexible licensing agreements that protect developers’ IP while providing PIC designers access to the best-in-class components developed by a wide range of industry experts.

Facet Optimization for Edge-Coupling of Fiber to Foundry-Fabricated SOI Waveguides

Presenter: Lewis Carpenter (presenting for Amir Begovic)
Date/Time: Wednesday, January 26 • 6pm - 8pm
Location: Moscone West, Lobby (Level 3)

Edge coupling (end-firing) is a key I/O technology, having advantages over grating couplers in terms of spectral bandwidth and lower insertion loss. Low-loss edge coupling into silicon waveguides is critical for datacenters and telecommunications systems in order to accommodate the aggressive growth of data analytics applications.

This talk provides insight into AIM Photonics’ work to reduce optical loss for integrated photonics I/O with the results of a series of experiments to verify the relationship between the facet angle and insertion loss. Our work investigates the coupling losses from optical fiber (SMF-28) into on-chip silicon waveguides using silicon nitride edge couplers with varying chip facet angles. The expected losses were simulated using Three Dimensional Finite-Difference Time-Domain (3D-FDTD) modelling and measured experimentally — to close the design-fabrication loop.

A Unique Structured Carrier Injection Micro-ring Modulator with Large Extinction Ratio and High Modulation Efficiency

Presenter: M. Rakib Uddin
Date/Time: Pre-recorded video presentation available On-Demand to Photonics West attendees from Feb. 21-27

The explosive growth in data-intensive applications is pushing the data traffic demands of interconnect on a chip to the so-called “Zettabyte Era.” Data traffic demand is expected to continue indefinitely over the foreseeable future and will require a paradigm shift in interconnect technologies on semiconductor chips to keep up with the increased demands. Optical interconnects on chips show promise as a replacement of electrical interconnects for high-performance computing and data centers.

In this talk, M. Rakib Uddin, Photonic Component Development Engineer, demonstrates how AIM Photonics has developed a unique structured carrier injection silicon photonics micro-ring modulator that exhibits a large extinction ratio and high modulation efficiency, and can be used for low-voltage and low-power photonic integrated circuit applications such as switches, transmitters, logic gates, and multiplexers.


New Course: Integrated Photonics Simulation Library


Online Workshop: Innovative Approaches and Best Practices for Preparing and Expanding the U.S. Semiconductor Workforce