“AIM Photonics will give already-exploding AI/ML shot in the arm,” story in Smart Manufacturing

By Brett Brune Editor in Chief, Smart Manufacturing magazine

The United States is winning a global battle for domination in integrated photonics, thanks in part to a Manufacturing USA innovation institute that the Obama administration stood up in 2014. And manufacturers embracing artificial intelligence and machine learning will benefit greatly. That is according to John Bowers, acting CEO of the Manufacturing USA innovation institute called AIM Photonics.

“The chips that Intel and Broadcom announced recently are 25-terabyte-per-second chips, so that’s 25,000 gigabytes/second, or 25 million megabytes/second,” he said. “That’s how much data each of them processes. It lets your networks just keep getting faster and more complex, so they can handle more data.

Read the full article here


AIM Photonics featured in “Shifts in microchip-making to aid automotive, medical,” at Smart Manufacturing


AIM Photonics Announces Appointment of Tod A. Laursen as Chair of Leadership Council