Join AIM Photonics at the PIC International Conference in Brussels, Belgium, as AIM Photonics Chief Operations Officer David Harame presents AIM Photonics end-to-end silicon manufacturing services.
David Harame
AIM Photonics Foundry providing Co-Process and Co-Development to Address Challenges in Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC) Packaging
Session: PIC Packaging: Securing Optimal Integration and Performance
PIC International Conference Speaker Profiles
Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) are fabricated in CMOS semiconductor fabrication facilities, which allows manufacturers to take advantage of the large installed base of tools and processes. However, traditional electronic packaging is not equipped to handle the inherent challenges associated with packaging advanced photonic devices into functional products. In this presentation we explore some of these challenges, such as sub-micron alignment tolerances, sensitivity to temperature variations, optical losses, and a lack of established standards, especially as they relate to the design and manufacture of optical coupling structures. At AIM Photonics, we have learned that the best results are obtained when the PIC manufacturing and packaging processes are co-designed to better achieve low-loss coupling, particularly between photonic integrated circuits and other elements in the system. This often requires structural and process changes in the bae PIC processes to achieve the best results. Our “end-to-end” approach to developing an integrated photonics manufacturing ecosystem—including electronic photonic design automation (EPDA), wafer manufacturing (including interposers and heterogeneous integration), and electronic-photonic test, assembly and packaging capabilities—enables us to develop reliable, accessible and affordable solutions that will ensure the manufacturing-readiness of this critical technology for decades to come.