Join us in San Diego, CA, for OFC 2024 as experts from AIM Photonics lead the Show Floor Session, “AIM Photonics Presents PICs, Heterogeneous Integration, and Packaging for Next-Generation Silicon Photonic Applications” on Thursday, March 28. Make sure to also stop by our exhibit booth (#4402) during the conference to learn about how we assist businesses in propelling their inventive concepts into production-ready prototypes through our design enablement, multi-project wafer, and electronic-photonic test, assembly, and packaging services.
Date: Thursday, March 28
Time: 12:45-1:45 p.m. (PDT)
Location: Theater 2, San Diego Convention Center
Vignesh Gopal, Columbia University
Energy Efficiency Multi Terabit/s Integrated Photonic IO
John Bowers, Co-Director, AIM Photonics; Director of the Institute for Energy Efficiency, University of California, Santa Barbara
Trends in PIC Technology and Perspective on the Future of Silicon Photonics and Electronics
David Harame, Chief Operating Officer, AIM Photonics
PIC Prototype Development Using AIM Photonics Multi-Project Wafer (MPW) and Test, Assembly, and Packaging Capabilities
Michael Zylstra, Director of Photonic Components, Analog Photonics
Design Enablement Using AIM Photonics™ Process Design Kit (PDK) to Create High-Performance Photonic Integrated Circuits
Amit Dikshit
AIM Photonics Design Enablement: a Design-Assembly-Test Platform Advancing the Silicon-Photonics Ecosystem
Session: Silicon Photonics
March 25, 4:30 - 4:45 p.m.
Room 1A, San Diego Convention Center
Lewis Carpenter
Progress Towards Low Loss Waveguides in Si/SiN Integrated Photonics Platforms
Session: Photonics Manufacturing Technologies
March 28, 2 - 2:30 p.m.
Room 6F, San Diego Convention Center